

The world is starting to feel like a small town tiny little grocery that is going out of business. Getting a little dusty in the corners, running out of things. At first, it's the unusual, what you were always surprised was there to start with, shoelaces, polar bears, gorillas, the unexpected, the startling. Then as the frantic owners get tired of their late night calculations and begin to give up, it's no bread, or no fish. There's a point too, when you walk in one day, and the scruffed linoleum isn't even swept, and you realize that this place is going to close. The difference though, is that the local grocery will probably be replaced by some shiny chain store, fully stocked with twizzlers and bread and something strange like cellphones or feather roses, and the earth, well, there's nothing to take it's place. So long and thanks for all the fish.

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