
California pointing pollution blame finger at China. In related news, pot calls kettle black.

Wow. There's no hypocrite like an Uhmerikan hipokrit!

(actual headline in LA Times)

Is China Changing Our Weather?
Researchers are reporting that Asia's growing air pollution -- soot, smog and wood smoke -- is making the Pacific region cloudier and stormier.

Ok, ok, I know that Cali is trying, hard. I know that Herr Schwarzenegger is turning his back on those ludicrous Hummers and is actively enacting green-positive legislation. But still, dude. Dude.

Dude. With Uhmerikans continuing to live lives of ludicrous luxury, including Ahnuld, and with Uhmerikan leaders (snort!) continuing to question the links between what we put in the air, and the air we breathe, and what we put in the water with what we consume when we, um, drink water or eat fish, we as a nation are TOTALLY NOT ALLOWED to point fingers. God, I'm feeling cranky. Or maybe that's cold. See post below for grumpy mood explanation.

Article about Californians looking at China's pollution output and shuddering, genteely. LINK

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