
Doomed, for reals.

Well, it is hard not to feel super extra double doomed these days. The baiji dolphin is gone. Gone. Douglas Adams wrote about these creatures in his last, heartbreaking book- and I'm serious, even though he was the funniest writer of the late 20th c,Last Chance To See was absolutely heartbreaking.

So, so long and thanks for all the fish.

But that's not it.

The weather is, to put it gently, fucked up beyond all repair. FUBAR. Daisies blooming in Moscow. The highest temperatures recorded in 347 years in the UK for 2006. Severe drought on the Great Plains. It's 52 fucking degrees here today. It's december. My lilacs are leafing out. They'll probably die. Meanwhile, in Lapland, where Santa's village is, "Rovaniemi, a town on the Arctic Circle in northern Finland which is the Lapp capital, is normally covered in deep drifts at this time of the year, with accompanying temperatures going down to -20C." There is no snow there now. The temperatures are above freezing. Bears cannot hibernate, ducks are swimming on open water in Russia. Aspen, Colorado is very excited that they might make more money, because there isn't enough snow in the Alps for skiiers. Oooh, money. Australia is on fire. Long Island's aquifer is tapped. No, you can't have water. Not yours.

Yeah. So, that's where I'm at.

Fuckity fuck fuck, so doomed.

It's all happening so much faster than they thought.

A really interesting, if incredibly disturbing article I was reading yesterday was about the formulae used to calculate the 'cost' of climate change. Apparently, economists and ethicists are (surprise!) in disagreement. The term for the generational decrease in quality of life is " "social rate of time discount," the rate used to compare the well-being of future generations to the well-being of those alive today.

The choice of an appropriate social time discount rate has long been debated. Some very intelligent people have argued that giving future generations less weight than the current generation is "ethically indefensible." Other equally intelligent people have argued that weighting generations equally leads to paradoxical and even nonsensical results."

Nonsensical results, eh?

I'll show you a nonsensical result, you greedy bleeding bastard. Your children, gasping, thirsty, and at war over water, because you failed to understand that your fucking Darwinian imperative (IMPERATIVE YOU SHITHEAD) is to reproduce and defend your young, so that your DNA can move on.

The most nonsensical thing I can think of is animals who kill their young, like sick gerbils or something, eating diseased babies. The Darwinian imperative has always made sense to me, that our driving force to do anything is to procreate and make ourselves immortal in our children. But everyday, breeders are making choices that will kill their children, and everyone else's. Maybe that's why this is happening, maybe somehow there is a rising awareness that we are the cancer, and that we have to be stopped, and it's easier to kill our children than it is to kill ourselves. Maybe that's it.

It's just a shame that we're taking out the dolphins first.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Baijis lived in the Yangtze, and is believed to have survived unchanged for 25 million years...25 million years...25 million years...and now they are gone.
I have to contemplate that before I can comment on the greed of our generation killing our kids! but I do get where you are coming from and going to, with that...