
Exxon's PR department working overtime.

This is horrendous. Exxon- EXXON! Exxon of the Valdez, Exxon who funded all those sell-out scientists, Exxon, for the love of Pete, is getting all kinds of press for- for what, you ask? For finally admitting that maybe just maybe climate change is being hastened by human activity. Their latest, new green leaf statement reads:

"We recognize that the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere poses risks that may prove significant for society and ecosystems. We believe that these risks justify actions now, but the selection of actions must consider the uncertainties that remain."

Exxon has also said it has stopped funding the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a think tank that questioned the premise that humans are largely responsible for causing global warming by burning fossil fuels with ad campaigns like ""Carbon dioxide: they call it pollution; we call it life."

You want the worst part of this? Ok, hold on to your hats- you're not going to believe this. "Exxon, the world's largest oil company and a longtime skeptic that humans are responsible for global warming, is joining other industries at a series of meetings in Washington and elsewhere to discuss how laws on U.S. carbon control should be written, according to the Wall Street Journal."

That's the fox guarding the henhouse, that's Absolut running AA, that's insane. And it will just go ahead and go on and no one will riot because there's probably something good or okay on the TV and well, rioting takes a lot of effort and anyway, I don't want to get on the government's radar, because they can hold you indefinitely without charges now, so it's better just to keep quiet and mellow. Feel so sick sometimes.

"Exxon Mobil softens its climate-change stance" LINK
"Exxon seen warming to emission controls" LINK

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