
I hate The New York Times with the fire of a thousand suns exploding.

Seriously, right now I'm ready to go get me some heads on pikes. Entitled, selfish, greedy, evil fuckers.
You know how fish are heading out? The warming + acidic oceans > no fish and then > no life on earth? That thing, what with fish being, well, basically gone by 2050? And us too, as without life in the oceans, we all die? That thing? Well, the great Grey Lady, the US fucking paper of note, has deigned to address the issue.
In the Dining and Wine section. I swear to whatever there is to swear to, I think I might start screaming.
A choice quote:
"What chowder eater, nourished on soups rich with many kinds of fish, could listen to the scientists who began to worry in the 1970s about the effects of river damming, pollution and overfishing?"

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