
When the stars threw down their spears, And water'd heaven with their tears, Did He smile His work to see?

What amazing beast will poets write about when the tigers are gone? (And if you say lab-made sphinxs, well, I might cry.)

"Myanmar's military junta is allowing gold mines to pollute the world's largest wild tiger reserve and has promoted development that is destroying ethnic Kachin communities, a report released Wednesday alleged." LINK

"The tiger has lived on earth for almost a million years," said Dr Pellew. "Once its territory stretched from Eastern Turkey to North Korea, from Siberia to Bali.
"Now it is reduced to small and struggling populations in a handful of Asian countries. It remains what it has always been - perhaps the most elegant and revered animal on earth.
"What right do we have to destroy this creature, to eradicate it from the planet?" LINK

The Tiger by Blake

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